Why Should You Incorporate The Posture Wedge Into Your Practice?
My name is Dr. Derek Jasek. I have built my busy practice on the very simple message of correcting cervical lordosis. It's a message patients understand, can picture, and want. Incorporating the Posture Wedge into my practice has made it very easy to get patients participating in their own care.
Cervical pain is one of the most common symptoms in todays society. Indeed in our personal clinical experience well over 90% of patients with headaches have a cervical component easily observed with physical examination and which reveals abnormal cervical posture. Normal cervical posture presents with a lordotic curve of approximately 43 degrees measured from C2 to C7. Without this normal lordosis, most of the balance of the weight of the head is tilted forward, which creates increased wear and tear on the intervertebral discs and the vertebra bodies. This eventually leads to bony spurs and osteophytes, which in turn can lead to decreased mobility, and increased pain.
In my practice, every spinal patient receives a Posture Wedge , they are told to use it daily for ten minutes. Each of my treatment rooms has a Posture Wedge and patients are taught to wait for me while using the wedge. The Posture Wedge is a ten minute per day spinal molding device. The instructions are to have the vertical edge tightly against the shoulders and to have the head resting on the slanted edge. It is very important that patients do not have it backwards as this would have the head hanging over the edge and would be uncomfortable. This is clearly demonstrated on the packaging.
Another clinical point is that as patients lose their lordotic curve, the skull must go into extension to level the eyes forward. To improve results, we utilize suboccipital release techniques to stretch these important muscles and teach patients chin tuck stretches.
Thank you for using the Posture Wedge. I am certain you will find it a helpful tool in serving your patients. It has helped my results tremendously.
Dr. Derek Jasek